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Community Bible Fellowship of Aberdeen Community Bible Fellowship of Aberdeen

Photo Galleries Photo Galleries

Gallery Name Description # Photos # Views Last Photo Added
2023 CBF Backpack Drive Gallery
2023 CBF Backpack Drive
26 885 20230812 11 months ago
(Aug 12, 2023)
CBF Game Activities Gallery
CBF Game Activities
18 880 20230417 1 year, 3 months ago
(Apr 17, 2023)
Hymns for Him Concert Gallery
Hymns for Him
20 816 20230614 1 year, 1 month ago
(Jun 14, 2023)
Father's Day 2023 Gallery
Father's Day 2023
16 301 20230619 1 year, 1 month ago
(Jun 19, 2023)
General Photo Gallery Gallery
8 9511 20131230 10 years, 8 months ago
(Dec 30, 2013)
Men's Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Men's Ministry Photo Gallery
40 12206 20111106 12 years, 10 months ago
(Nov 6, 2011)
Women's Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Women's Ministry Photo Gallery
22 10263 20131230 10 years, 8 months ago
(Dec 30, 2013)
Couple's Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Couple's Ministry Photo Gallery
45 11412 20111113 12 years, 10 months ago
(Nov 13, 2011)
Youth Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
outh Ministry Photo Gallery
23 10463 20080815 16 years, 2 months ago
(Aug 15, 2008)
Outreach Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Outreach Ministry Photo Gallery
14 7930 20080831 16 years, 1 month ago
(Aug 31, 2008)
Vacation Bible School July 20 - 24 2009 0 5955 (never)
M.O.S.T. Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
M.O.S.T. Photo Gallery
25 9638 20111216 12 years, 9 months ago
(Dec 16, 2011)
CHOP It Up Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
CHOP It Up Photo Gallery
18 3446 20130806 11 years, 1 month ago
(Aug 6, 2013)
CBF Heritage Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Heritage Ministry Photo Gallery
12 587 20200830 3 years, 11 months ago
(Aug 30, 2020)
CBF Morning Worship Services (group) CBF Morning Worship Services Photo Gallery 0 164 (never)
CBF Weekly Prayer Conference Call (group) CBF Weekly Prayer Conference Call Photo Gallery 0 137 (never)
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting (group) Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Photo Gallery 0 148 (never)
Adult & Young Adult Sunday School (group) Adult & Young Adult Sunday School Photo Gallery 0 146 (never)
Children's Sunday School (group) Children's Sunday School Photo Gallery 0 136 (never)
CBF Livestream (group) CBF Livestream Photo Gallery 0 164 (never)