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COVID-19 Message from the Township of Aberdeen’s Mayor COVID-19 Message from the Township of Aberdeen’s Mayor

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COVID-19 Message from the Township of Aberdeen’s Mayor

Posted on Mon, Mar 23, 2020




A Message from the 

Township of Aberdeen’s Mayor, 

Fred Tagliarini



 “This trying week may be ending, but our stand against the Coronavirus still goes on. All week your Town Council Members, Town Manager and Chief of Police have had countless meetings and conference calls with State and Local officials with a single goal in mind, which is to bring you the most comprehensive information we have.


 Our Police, Town Hall and Public Works employees are on the job providing all the services Aberdeen residents’ need. The Town Council, Town Manager Bryan Russell, Police Chief Rick Derechailo and myself are very proud of all of them for the outstanding job they are doing and their commitment to Aberdeen Township.


 Please be advised, Aberdeen is following the State and County Park policies by keeping our parks open at this time for passive recreation. All playground structures are closed for use at this time. All organized group-activities, especially those involving ten or more participants are temporarily prohibited.


 We have posted on the Township website and the Township Facebook a list of countless agencies’ websites and phone numbers to help all of our residents and businesses get through this difficult time. Please utilize any or all of the resources listed in order to keep informed on all updates regarding COVID-19. 


   It is pertinent that you follow all the advice you are receiving from every level of government, whether it is Federal, State, County or Local. During this pandemic, it is crucial to support our President, Governor, freeholders and your local officials. This is all uncharted waters for not only Aberdeen Township, but our country as a whole, but I promise we will get through this.


 For all updated information, please visit the Aberdeen Township website at While on our website homepage, we urge our residents to sign up for Nixle and Code Red messages in order to get all alerts & updates. As everyone knows this is a challenging time, but we are up to the challenge. As a reminder make sure to follow all prevention hygiene measurements and adhere to all social distancing guidelines. Help us flatten the curve and stay safe!”


-Mayor Fred Tagliarini



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